Hair Transplant

 Hair Transplant And Restoration

A Solution For Hair Loss

With every problem there lies a solution and with the right navigation, one can always or most of the time overcomes all the problems that one may come across in life.  When it comes to improving the look and getup of a person, even to the extent of increasing or improving the hair growth and overcome the receding hairline or baldness, new techniques have been adopted and we have many individuals opting for Hair Transplant to enhance their looks. We have many clinics providing facilities and their services to desired individuals with problems with hair loss and receding hair line.


What is hair transplant?

Hair transplant is a process which requires a one day procedure with local anesthesia when the graft/hair is transplanted in the bald areas.  The state of the art procedure called Follicullar Unit Hair Transplantation is now used for hair transplant cases. It is essential to seek the services of genuine surgeon to avoid any type of disappointment after the entire procedure is completed to give the desired results.  When the hair transplantation has been done with the right skill and technique by experienced surgeons, within a period of   three to five months, transplanted follicles begin the growth of new hair.


Growth of transplanted hair

The transplanted hair growth is initially very thin and grows thicker, gradually over a period of time.  The concept of hair transplantation dates back to the year 1939 where a Japanese dermatologist published the method of hair grafts that is being done presently, but this method did not get popular since it took its own time due to World War II.  Hair transplant then started getting popular in the 60s and 70s among the individuals and different transplant procedures like `The Snake Oil Years’, the old hair transplants besides Follicullar Unit Hair transplantation.  The individual experiences a little discomfort at the time of surgery due to the effect of local anesthesia and feels fine after a day or two though they experience a bit of soreness and numbness after surgery.  Since micro hair transplant incision is very minute, tiny pink swabs may be noticeable if previous hair growth is not visible on the head.


Hair restoration surgery

Many men and women facing hair loss or receding hairline tends to opt for Hair Restoration which may make them look beyond their age and affect their appearance. In order to overcome these problems, some or most of them resort to hair restoration which can be done at any hair restoration clinics in consultation with the surgeon followed with the appropriate treatment. Hair restoration surgery is to treat or overcome the bald patches of people through a procedure called follicular unit wherein a group of hair are extracted from a thick growth area and placed to the area where there is minimum or no growth.  Hair restoration should be done by certified surgeons only and surgical hair restoration is the only permanent technique giving good results. We also have the gold standard hair restoration, another surgery techniques also called follicular unit transplantation where the follicular units are taken from the back of the head on to a strip of skin known as the donor strip which is then removed and effectively sutured without leaving any scars on that area.


Follicular unit extraction

Yet another technique is the follicular unit extraction, where the follicular units are extracted from the back of the head surgically with device like a 1mm punch used to make a circular incision on the upper part of follicular unit and then is extracted directly from the scalp. The donor’s follicles when removed are then transplanted in the bald areas where the hair begins to grow gradually.


After the treatment

Most of the these treatments can be done with one sitting but at times when the person intends to have a dense growth, a second or even a third sitting may be needed.  Sometime the person may have occasional swelling on the forehead which is not painful but due to the swelling look would feel uncomfortable to meet anyone.  During this time, the person needs to take proper rest from work and get good sleep.  No medication is provided to treat the swelling but instructions to sleep upright for three to four days with extra pillows is given to the person who has been treated for hair restoration.  The person after this treatment should avoid a head bath for three days and a special antiseptic head bath is recommended after the third day keeping in mind not to touch the grafts or rub them with the finger tips for another ten days.

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