Activity hours – How necessary for child’s right growth

Activity hours – How necessary for child’s right growth

The health magazines, newspapers’ health columns or articles by dieticians, physicians and child psychologists everyone stresses upon right nutrition and balanced diet for children.  Hardly anybody considers the factor of utilizing those calories taken for healthy growth of body.  It is the scientific fact that when the nutrients are not consumed through activity they transform themselves into cholesterol or fat. As per researches and studies conducted by agricultural research laboratories, health institutes and forerunners healthcare complaints of obesity among children are reinforced due to inactivity besides unhealthy eating habits.  According to dieticians, health practitioners, consuming nutrients is equally important as is gaining them. The child psychologists too agree that physical activity is necessary for right mental and physical growth of children.

In the wake of mounting obesity problems among children, as per studies conducted by various psychological research centers and forerunners healthcare complaints of rising cases of obesity among children are directly proportional to low physical activity.  Generally when a child starts understanding about surroundings and other people’s instruction at the age of three and right at that age we make them sit on a desk for hours. In the current scenario after school too, all that a child has for entertainment is mind games or video games that he or she can sit with and play.  In this matter every childcare institute, health forums, healthcare tribunals and forerunners healthcare complaints that in the race of making children sharper and smarter we teach them to play mind games only. In name of physical activity there is half an hour of cycling while rest of the twenty three and a half hours are spent sleeping, reading, watching TV or playing video games that is in the sitting or lying posture. According to research there have been rising complaints of joint pains, added to this  as per review by various physicians and forerunners healthcare complaints over weak bones and low stamina in young age of thirty to forty is largely due to low physical activity during childhood.

Our body is like a machine and its adequate mobility is necessary to maintain its strength and fitness. The fats gained through diet are that thick layers that hinders mobility of bones while the fat can be burned through physical activity only. In the childhood when each system of body is yet in developing stage it becomes more necessary to maintain balance of nutrition by depleting extra calorie intake.

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