BCAA benefits

BCAA benefits

It is widely known the enormous importance of the amino acids in our body. They are necessary to make a complete protein foods we eat  synthesized. Enter the proteins after digestion in the stomach and intestines break down into individual amino acids and short chains of amino acids that are small enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream. These amino acids have important effects in restoring and building tissue, as well as in the production of “chemicals” needed for optimal functioning of the brain and nervous system.

All amino acids, 22 of them, can be divided into essential and non-essential. The difference is that the essential can not be produced in our body, therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of their intake through food, supplements ie nutritional supplements.

9 of the essential amino acids: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, and valine tiropan, three of them make the BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids), or branched chain amino acids. These are leucine, isoleucine and valine, and they together define a third of muscle protein as well as approximately one third of the skeletal muscles.

As with other amino acids, it is important to note that the supplementation and dietary supplements they must be supplied as L – free form amino acids, where L is the direction of rotation of the spiral chemical, and it is all the more significant because of the fact that our body is able to utilize only L Forms for making a protein (D – amino acids are unusable, while DL only inhibit the use of L – form).

BCAAs are of immense importance for athletes because they are metabolized in the muscle much more often than in the liver. After the protein is broken down into the individual amino acids, they can again be used to create novel proteins, as well as “fuel” for the production of energy.

Scientific studies have only 20 years later (period 1970-1990) found that the physical activity causes release  of a large amount of  alanine and glutamine, after which they are secreted and are lost. Or in the muscles, no significant amount of their compensation, so that it was considered that just branched chain amino acids play an important role in making up for the amount of alanine sufficient. Then they were able to measure only losses of  leucine and notice a higher consumption of this amino acid in the other two, and that the rapid loss of leucine was very strong in activities that require endurance, and aerobic training. Today, it is widely known that the optimal ratio of leucine, isoleucine and valine 2: 1: 1, and all preparations and products are  in this scale.

Under normal conditions, 80 – 100% of one’s energy needs are met through sources of carbohydrates and fats, which means that amino acids can provide up to 20% of the energy demands of the body. Ie after glycogen utilization during the activities, at one point the body will begin to “use” proteins, or mostly BCAA that gluconeogenesis in the liver, converted into glucose. Losses BCAA during the training can take place in several forms, ie. our body exploit: the increased intake of free BCAAs in the blood, at reduced by taking advantage of BCAA in the synthesis of muscle proteins, and in the interpretation of muscle protein.

Muscle proteins are rich in branched chain amino acids, and the problem arises because the organism is able to use them directly. Studies have shown that roughly exposed, a set of 10 repetitions of various exercises in the gym causes a drop of over 10% of muscle glycogen, from which it becomes clear how fast can lead to consumption of certain stocks of glycogen, which further leads to the start and continuation of consumption of  BCAA.


Now we can extract most of the metabolic role of BCAA:


  • Substrates for the production of energy.
  • Substrates for protein synthesis.
  • Precursors (“precursor”) for forming the other amino acid preferably of alanine and glutamine.
  • As metabolic signals (mainly leucine).
  • Stimulate protein synthesis through insulin secretion.


Therefore, it becomes evident that the essential muscles provide the amino acids and then reimburse them, ie. BCAA intake should be based on a rule – before, during and after training!

However, there is great importance, the role and importance of these essential amino acids ends. BCAA (with emphasis on leucine) stimulate the production of insulin and also growth hormone (hGH)! It is explored  that the intake of BCAA and glutamine between meals, and additional input glutamine before bed have really big benefits in increasing the production of growth hormone, particularly in people older than 30 years.

In order to increase the effect of the entered BCAA, it is important to be sent to their recommended dosage. One of the light-mode for individually calculating the amount of which should not be taken over of the formula: M x 0.2 g, where M is the mass of your excluding fat. An example of a man of 177 lbs kg with 15% BF (body fat – fat) is: (177 lbs  – (177 lbs x 15%)) x = 0.2 g (177 lbs  – 26.5 lbs  fat) x 0.2 g = 30 g. So a man who weighs 177 lbs with 15% fat should have a daily intake of BCAA of about 30 g.


So regardless of whether you are a beginner, recreational athlete, bodybuilder or athlete in endurance sports, any supplement based on amino acids, branched chain, or popular – BCAA, should find a place on your shelf as an indispensable supplement.


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