Benefits of magnesium

Benefits of magnesium

Magnesium is an essential trace mineral essential to all biological functions, including cellular energy metabolism, regulation of body temperature, the production of the nucleic acids, RNA and DNA, and protein synthesis. In the body acts as a coenzyme for the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems. In can be found  in bananas, walnuts, peanuts, cereals, bran, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, fish, honey.


The human body normally have about 25 grams of  magnesium. Around 60% of this important mineral is deposited in the bones, and the rest within the cellular structure. Necessary is a mineral as support in the production of energy, as well as in maintaining the health of cells. It also allows muscles to recover faster from the stress and fatigue, so that they can adequately  contract and relax.


Magnesium ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system, muscles and enzymes, helps the heart, circulatory system, provides protection from heart attacks. It is necessary for the proper metabolism of blood, bone health, teeth, brain, nerves and muscles. Slows down the aging process, prevents the closure of blood vessels and normalize cholesterol, boosts immunity and mental strength. Reduces the possibility of developing kidney stones and gall bladder and helps with food poisoning. Reduces pain, cramps, itching and neuralgia. Magnesium is very important for normal absorption of calcium, sodium, potassium and vitamin C, and to balance phosphorus, transport and ion exchange, and cell proliferation (multiplication). It is also important for the metabolism of insulin, ie. convert sugar into energy. That is why about 30% of diabetics suffer from a deficit of magnesium.


Magnesium is especially important for athletes, since their regular daily activities include strength training and muscle development. Trainings are often very arduous and time consuming, and what is accented in any sport is the resilience of these activities – for further progress and performance. For this reason, you should always consume enough magnesium in the diet. If there is a deficit, ie. that you can not eat enough magnesium through foods, you should be considered taking supplements. Increased sweating and urination, which is normal at high efforts, the level of magnesium in the body can decrease. This can be very dangerous, especially for athletes, as it can result in dizziness, high blood pressure, nausea and, among other things. Even a minimal deficit may have an impact on performance and ability to recover after a tough workout. The daily recommended dosage can be higher for athletes and active recreational persons.


Magnesium is very important for athletes, because without it, the ATP can not function. It is involved in the energy metabolism, so it serves as a cofactor for some enzymes in the conversion of carbohydrates, protein and fat into energy. Magnesium deficiency causes muscle weakness and damage to the contractile ability of muscles. The recommended daily dose of magnesium can significantly improve muscle strength, prevent the occurrence of muslce cramps and fatigue during workouts and accelerate recovery after them.


There are two main types of magnesium supplements, magnesium oxide – which is thought to contain a strong dose but it is not easily absorbed in the body. Magnesium citrate, mostly contains low doses but is better absorbed. In any case, consulting a doctor or nutritionist regarding the selection of supplements is the best solution. If you want to increase the effectiveness of magnesium you are consuming, then you should be aware of the factors that impact on reducing its absorption. Too much protein in the diet is one of the reasons for insufficient absorption of this mineral (while also too little protein can have a similar effect). Alcohol can also interfere with the process by which the body absorbs magnesium, so if you are an active athlete and strive for better sports performance, bypass the alcohol.


When magnesium levels in the body drops below the minimum required on a daily basis, a person may feel tired and lethargic. Strong and strenuous physical activity can deplete body stores of this mineral, which is also lost through sweating. When consuming sports drinks, pay attention to whether or not containing magnesium. It is natural to sweat more when training. Certainly, each person should pay attention to adequate intake of vitamins and minerals in order to lead a healthy and active lifestyle without risk to health. There are studies that suggest that magnesium can improve performance, especially in athletes who are engaged in some of the endurance sports. Nutrition is always the first place, so it is important to eat foods rich in magnesium, while athletes can also take supplements to provide the required daily amount. Adding magnesium to your daily nutrition program will ensure that the body is supplied with a sufficient amount to perform strenuous workout.


What is always advisable, it is to consult your doctor. Magnesium requirements vary from person to person, so it can be unsafe to yourself determine the dose. Your doctor can prescribe the right dose, and you may get the advice to take other vitamin and mineral supplements, depending on your overall health. It is almost impossible to enter an overdose of magnesium by natural sources – fruits, vegetables, nuts, spices, cereals. Overdose can occur due to an excessive intake of supplements. If you take too much, the excess can not be effectively expelled from the system by the kidneys, so the need for caution for the people who have kidney problems.


Magnesium is often combined with calcium and Zinc (ZMA), because they need each other to maintain balance and greater utilization. Magnesium is also advisable to add to your nutrition if you  take supplements based on phosphorus, vitamin D and protein, as in the case of high blood cholesterol.

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