Menopause Bloating : How to Minimize Menopause Bloating

How to Minimize Menopause Bloating

Menopause bloating is not unusual. The uneasiness you feel in your stomach and or intestines, is due to excess gas, air, wind, flatulence, or any one of these commonly known names. There are three (3) ways to minimize menopausal bloating. These include preventive measures, use of foods, and through exercise.

 Menopause bloating is not unusual. The uneasiness you feel in your stomach and or intestines, is due to excess gas, air, wind, flatulence, or any one of these commonly known names. Many people refer to this sensation in the stomach as feeling puffy, bloated, distended, gassy or stuffed. The gas develops from swallowing air or from eating disagreeable foods. The hormonal changes during menopause are considered responsible for increased flatulence and discomfort. There are three (3) ways to minimize menopausal bloating. These include preventive measures, use of foods, and through exercise.


Prevention of Menopause Bloating

 If you are a menopausal woman who experience excess gas, you should not feel bloated everyday. If this occurs, there might be a need to consult with your doctor to see whether there are other reasons for the unpleasant feelings. In order to help prevent ordinary menopause bloating, it is important to know your body and yourself. For example, know what foods you like and the ones that like you. This might change as you become more mature and experience hormonal changes.

 It is not uncommon, for example, for some women to develop excess gas from foods that were previously enjoyed. This occurs sometimes as the body adjusts to unstable hormone levels. The foods frequently include dairy products or seafood. At first, it might be difficult to understand what is causing the bloating. To help solve this problem, try eating only one type of food at each meal. Then, see whether you become bloated after eating this particular food. You can then find other food substitutes that can help you minimize feeling bloated.


Menopause Bloating and Foods

 Common foods that result in extra gas and bloating for some menopausal women include: cabbage, eggs, beans, peas, dairy products – such as milk and cheese. Excess gas might also form in the stomach from eating foods high fats, high sugar foods and drinks, fizzy drinks – including sodas; and from chewing gum (especially for extended periods of time.)


Menopause Bloating Relief

 Women might find menopausal bloating relief with the use of various foods and beverages. For example, soy foods can be substituted for dairy products. Hot beverages, teas, soups and broths, are also helpful. Eating small frequent meals will prevent the stomach from being empty for long periods; and will relieve the sensations of feeling stuffed from digesting larger meals.

 The stomach and gut have naturally occurring bacteria that aid digestion. These can be destroyed by taking too much of certain medication such as some antibiotics or strong laxatives. Discuss with your doctor before taking any medication (including over-the-counter). Further, some foods can help in replacing or growing good bacteria in the stomach, for example, Yogurt, especially those containing Probiotics. Women have also found relief from stomach gas through exercise.


Menopause Bloating Exercise

 Special exercises can be fun while being helpful in relieving puffy, gassy feelings. For example, some Yoga poses, crunches, sit-ups, and stretches have been found to move the gas around and out of the body. A 5-10 minute walk, for instance, will help to move the gas around and out of the body. A deep breathing exercise: 5-10 evenly-paced deep breaths have a calming effect, relax the body, and aids expulsion of flatulence.

 This simple exercise can also help to minimize flatulence or air in stomach or intestines (if you have no personal or medical contraindications): Lay flat on stomach, face down, across your bed. Bend your knees 4-6 times. This stretches the abdominal muscles and allows the gas to escape (Consult with your doctor before doing this or any exercise.(

 Although menopause bloating is fairly common, it is not necessary to suffer discomfort. Moreover, you should not feel puffy everyday. Prevention of feeling gassy might not be totally avoidable. However, the feelings can be minimized when you substitute gassy foods for those that are more agreeable; and by trying simple exercises that can be both beneficial and fun.

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