Sesamoiditis - A Short Analytical Review


Sesamoiditis is the outgrowth of bone which grows under the big toe of the foot.   Sesamoiditis is the enlargement of bone which distorts the shape of the big toe of the foot.


Types of Sesamoiditis

There are different shapes of seasamoiditis and you will have to be familiar with the nature, type, symptoms and treatment of Sesamoiditis.  Basically, it is seen that those who put much pressure on the toe are affected by this sort of physical deformity. In this case, tendons seem to be disfigured and the upper portion of the toe protrudes to some extent.  Sesamoiditis is also found in horses.   The fetlock of the knee joint becomes bulged and enlarged due to the attack of sesamoiditis.   Fetlock bones are injured and horses feel uncomfortable to run smoothly. Sesamoiditis slows down the speed of maneuver of a horse/ man.


Causes of Sesamoiditis

  • Excessive pressure on toe region.
  • Irregularity in menstrual cycle.
  • Wrong selection of  footwear.
  • Shoes with sharp heels can cause Sesamoiditis.
  • Lot of practice, hard work and bad usage of  foot.
  • Anorexia(eating disorder).

Other causes

Sesamoiditis on big toes

There are a number of reasons behind the appearance of Sesamoiditis at the backsides of the big toes of the lower limbs.   Experts have claimed that sesamoiditis occurs due to huge pressure on the bones of fetlock bone area.  The same thing happens in the case of humans.  A person suffers from sesamoiditis owing to massive stress on the large size toes of the feet.


Osteoarthritis is another cause of getting affected by Sesamoiditis disease.  Doctors state that the aged persons are under the attack of Sesamoiditis as they suffer from different types of osteoarthritis. In this case, the bones, muscles and tendons at the Sesamoiditis region are severely injured due to the abnormal growth of this sesamoidits bones.   Osteoarthritis affected patients feel uneasy while walking on the ground.   His toe region becomes weak.

Menstrual disorder

There is another noticeable reason of the onset of Sesamoiditis disease.  Basically, women who suffer from menstrual disorder can run the risk of being attacked by Sesamoiditis. At the same time, the anomalies in eating food can increase the chance of the occurrence of Sesamoiditis.

Foot wear accessories

If you probe extensively, you will be able to know that women find it very difficult to run or walk freely due to the attack of Sesamoiditis.  The interesting fact is that fashionable women who like to wear pointed high heel shoes/sneakers/boots have the caustic experience of having Sesamoiditis.  They need to be more careful when they choose the footwear accessories for beautifying their bodies.  They have tendencies to wear shoes with raised outsoles.   Even dancers and athletes have bad experiences on account of the enlargement of toes.


Sesamoiditis Symptoms

  • Enlargement of Toe regions
  • Protrusion of metatarsal bone
  • Feeling Pain while twisting and pressing the toes
  • Sesamoiditis affects mobility and movement of toes

Other common symptoms

There are common symptoms of Sesamoiditis.  You need to learn about the signs and symptoms of   abnormal enlargement of the toes.   Patients feel pain while moving and running or jumping.  At the time of bending the toes inward, they can suffer from acute pain depending on the degree of severity of aching in the Sesamoiditis zone.

Metatarsal pain

Pain is mainly felt in the area of metatarsal bone.  If you think that you are not in good position to walk comfortably due to the constant pain in the region of metatarsal at the time of twisting, bending and folding the toes, you will have to go to the doctor’s clinic for better treatment process.  You must opt for good precautionary measures which will protect your feet from this type of painful disease.   In addition, the bulging of metatarsal region is another prominent cause of the occurrence of this deadly disease.

Treatment Process

Due to advancement and development in medical science,   it has now become very easy to get relief from Sesamoiditis. If the disease is detected at the primary level, doctors can ensure 100 percent recovery from the abnormal protrusion of metatarsal structure under the toes.  However, one should be more attentive while taking medications to remove the pain.


In the open market, you will find different painkiller injections, medications and orthotics appliances to minimize the protrusion of the Sesamoiditis.   You should consult with your doctors how to choose supportive splints to safeguard the damaged toes.

Brace/orthotics device

The arch like brace/orthotics device comes handy to prevent the rapid growth of Sesamoiditis bones under the toes.  Try to avoid excessive pressure on the feet while walking or running if you are under the risk of sesamoiditis.

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